Creating and Customising Your Morning Yoga Ritual Two lovely stories happened in the last few weeks. One story inspired the other, here’s what happened.
Recently I followed up with a client from the Morning Yoga Ritual, I knew in my heart that she might need some inspiration and motivation to return to her morning yoga. I sent her a message “Do you need some motivation to get back to your Morning Ritual? The reply was ‘yes I really want to get back to it and I need the motivation’ On her first morning back, I received a text message.. Hi Gráinne I just wanted to let you know that I did the recording of yesterday morning's Yoga Ritual this morning. It was great and I’m already having a great day because of it. Thank you.
A few weeks later I checked back with her. This is her message:
It has a big impact on my day when I’m doing the Morning Yoga Ritual. It’s very busy between work and family. I find I’m able to get through everything calmly and without stress when I’m doing my morning yoga.
I asked her how much of the class she was doing, was it the full class? here’s her reply:
I don’t usually do the full class, I do between 15 and 40 mins, depending on how much time I have. Sometimes I start at the beginning of a class and other times I start 15 or 20 mins into the video. I find it is easier to carve 20 mins or so out of my work morning instead of 20 mins in the evenings when there’s dinner and homework to do.
The above story inspired another yoga student who felt she couldn’t get to the Live zoom class when she was helping her daughters get ready for school. However when she heard about Saibhe’story above, it dawned on her that she didn’t have to have time to do the full class. Once she was inspired by Saibhe’s story she realised her girls can get ready some of the time by themselves, Also she doesn’t have to be in a room away from everyone on her own. She can do it in the sitting room where she can see them. That was 3 weeks ago and Martha has been on the mat every morning for anywhere between 5 to 40 minutes. She is mostly getting between 25 and 40 mins of yoga in before she brings the girls to school, something she thought she could never do. The girls are 9 and 11 years of age.
A lovely quote from her girls
"Why shouldn’t you have time for yourself mummy we get time for ourselves".
Quotes and messages from Martha
"I didn’t realize how important planning and customizing it for me would help me make it a ritual! I think this is the secret sauce to making it work".
Taking the pressure off a perfect practice was the answer.
"This morning was a crazy morning ‘Oh shit my yoga, I completely forgot’ It was 8.25 am, and I said to the girls “Get me My Mat”. I got on the mat and turned on your zoom class, I did about 5 mins, a child’s pose, and a sun salutation. Aisling her 9-year-old came up to her and said ‘Mum I’m so proud of you, even though you only had 5 minutes, you still did your yoga. Martha “I nearly cried, I’m here to thank you, I didn’t think I could have a daily yoga practice. The ripple effects that send's out to my girls, well we don’t know the impact it has. I feel I have finally stepped into it. I think doing a shorter class and learning to fit it into the day is like building the muscle of a morning routine. Those who can do longer are at the master's level.